Category: Blog
What exactly is a neo-vagina, then?
I was recently contacted by an NHS doctor who is concerned about gender ideology and its capture of his profession. Let’s call him Dr J. Following retirement from full time work, Dr J is currently working in A&E as a locum senior registrar. He trained as a surgeon and is a fellow of the Royal…
Discussing trans on the radio
I recently had the privilege of presenting a run of programmes on Times Radio. During a getting-to-know-you chat with the Times at One’s producer the week before I started, we discussed a few stories. One I raised was the problems faced by Connie Shaw at Leeds University. Connie is an undergraduate, a feminist and the…
Enemies of free speech
On 21 May 2024 the Spectator published a piece by the writer Gareth Roberts called “The sad truth about ‘saint’ Nicola Sturgeon“. It described the former Scottish First Minister’s appearance at a literary festival, during which she was interviewed by Juno Dawson. Dawson is a natal male who has publicly stated he (I am relating…
Heading to the Supreme Court
On Tuesday 26 November and Wednesday 27 November, five mostly male* Supreme Court justices will hear arguments from various lawyers over the definition of “woman” in law. You can read the specific citation here. This court case is the culmination of a long legal battle waged in Scotland, but watched very closely by people all…